To D'ni Journal Transcript Index
These are some of the Journals, Notebooks, and Monument books found in the To D'ni expansion pack.
- King Adesh Monument Book
- This hard bound book is found in the Monument to the Kings in the Palace Rotunda in Ae'gura.
- Adesh Monument Book
- King Ahlsendar Monument Book
- This hard bound book is found in the Monument to the Kings in the Palace Rotunda in Ae'gura.
- Ahlsendar Monument Book
- King Behnashiren Monument Book
- This hard bound book is found in the Monument to the Kings in the Palace Rotunda in Ae'gura.
- Behnashiren Monument Book
- King Emen Monument Book
- This hard bound book is found in the Monument to the Kings in the Palace Rotunda in Ae'gura.
- Emen Monument Book
- King Gan Monument Book
- This hard bound book is found in the Monument to the Kings in the Palace Rotunda in Ae'gura.
- Gan Monument Book
- King Hemelin Monument Book
- This hard bound book is found in the Monument to the Kings in the Palace Rotunda in Ae'gura.
- Hemelin Monument Book
- King Hinash Monument Book
- This hard bound book is found in the Monument to the Kings in the Palace Rotunda in Ae'gura.
- Hinash Monument Book
- King Ishek Monument Book
- This hard bound book is found in the Monument to the Kings in the Palace Rotunda in Ae'gura.
- Ishek Monument Book
- King Ja'kreen Monument Book
- This hard bound book is found in the Monument to the Kings in the Palace Rotunda in Ae'gura.
- Ja'kreen Monument Book
- King Ji Monument Book
- This hard bound book is found in the Monument to the Kings in the Palace Rotunda in Ae'gura.
- Ji Monument Book
- King Jaron Monument Book
- This hard bound book is found in the Monument to the Kings in the Palace Rotunda in Ae'gura.
- Jaron Monument Book
- King Kedri Monument Book
- This hard bound book is found in the Monument to the Kings in the Palace Rotunda in Ae'gura.
- Kedri Monument Book
- King Koreen Monument Book
- This hard bound book is found in the Monument to the Kings in the Palace Rotunda in Ae'gura.
- Koreen Monument Book
- King Lanaren Monument Book
- This hard bound book is found in the Monument to the Kings in the Palace Rotunda in Ae'gura.
- Lanaren Monument Book
- King Lemashal Monument Book
- This hard bound book is found in the Monument to the Kings in the Palace Rotunda in Ae'gura.
- Lemashal Monument Book
- King Loshemanesh Monument Book
- This hard bound book is found in the Monument to the Kings in the Palace Rotunda in Ae'gura.
- Loshemanesh Monument Book
- King Me'erta Monument Book
- This hard bound book is found in the Monument to the Kings in the Palace Rotunda in Ae'gura.
- Me'erta Monument Book
- King Needrah Monument Book
- This hard bound book is found in the Monument to the Kings in the Palace Rotunda in Ae'gura.
- Needrah Monument Book
- King Rakeri Monument Book
- This hard bound book is found in the Monument to the Kings in the Palace Rotunda in Ae'gura.
- Rakeri Monument Book
- King Rikooth Monument Book
- This hard bound book is found in the Monument to the Kings in the Palace Rotunda in Ae'gura.
- Rikooth Monument Book
- King Solath Monument Book
- This hard bound book is found in the Monument to the Kings in the Palace Rotunda in Ae'gura.
- Solath Monument Book
- King Tejara Book
- This hard bound book is found in the Monument to the Kings in the Palace Rotunda in Ae'gura.
- Tejara Monument Book
- King Ti'amel Monument Book
- This hard bound book is found in the Monument to the Kings in the Palace Rotunda in Ae'gura.
- Ti'amel Monument Book
- King Veesha Monument Book
- This hard bound book is found in the Monument to the Kings in the Palace Rotunda in Ae'gura.
- Veesha Monument Book
- The Great Zero Notebook
- This notebook is found on a shelf in the Great Zero Antechamber in Ae'gura.
- Great Zero Notebook
- Kedri Story Notebook
- This notebook is found on a table on the lower level of the Library on Ae'gura.
- Kedri Story
- Me'emen Story Notebook
- This notebook is found on a table on the lower level of the Library on Ae'gura.
- Gahreesen Notebook
- Me'erta Story Notebook
- This notebook is found on a table on the lower level of the Library on Ae'gura.
- Me'erta Story
- Ae'gura and Bevin Book
- This is the hardbound book which you find on the Relto bookshelf when the To D'ni expansion pack is installed.
- Ae'gura and Bevin
- Douglas Sharper '04
- This is the hardbound book which you find on the desk in the Baron's City office when the To D'ni expansion pack is installed.
- Douglas Sharper
- Phil's Relto Journal
- This is the hardbound book you find on the bookshelf in Phil Henderson's Relto.
- Phil's Relto Journal
- Dr. Watson's Journal
- This is the hardbound book journal of Dr. Watson which you find in the eder tomahn in the Great Shaft.
- Dr. Watson's Journal
- Dr. Watson's Kirel Speech
- Dr. Watson's Speech
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