- paper
- The D'ni used prodigious amounts of paper for their daily business, but they also made a very special kind of paper used only in the production of Descriptive Books that were used to write the links to different Ages. The Guild of Books kept this process a secret and passed the secret down by word of mouth through the generations. (BoT 251)
- Penjul, Master
- A Master of the Guild of Legislators and a close friend of Aitrus. (BoT 195)
- Prophetess
- Beginning in the year 400 DE with King Shomat, it became a D'ni tradition for all Kings to have the guidance of a Prophetess. A woman could not advise in this manner until she reached the age of 125, which the D'ni considered the beginning of the Age of Wisdom.
- Proverbs
- The D'ni had collections of proverbs expressing some of their cultural wisdom. As the archeologists continue to delve into D'ni history, some of these proverbs have come to light. I have devoted a page to the proverbs which appeared on the D'ni Guild site. (Proverbs)
- Yeesha also put a book containing a few of the proverbs by the prophet Oorpah in Relto. (Proverbs of Oorpah)
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