Uru Prime Journal Transcript Index
These are some of the Journals, Notebooks, and letters found in Uru Prime.
For Journals found in Uru Live, please see the (Uru Journal Transcript Index ) page.
- King Ailesh Notebook
- This notebook is found on a table on the roof of the Dakota building in Ae'gura.
- Ailesh Notebook
- King Asemlef Notebook
- This notebook is found on a table on the roof of the Dakota building in Ae'gura.
- Asemlef Notebook
- King Demath Notebook
- This notebook is found on a table on the roof of the Dakota building in Ae'gura.
- Demath Notebook
- King Kerath Notebook
- This notebook is found on a table on the roof of the Dakota building in Ae'gura.
- Kerath Notebook
- King Me'emen Notebook
- This notebook is found on a table on the roof of the Dakota building in Ae'gura.
- Me'emen Notebook
- King Naygen Notebook
- This notebook is found on a table on the roof of the Dakota building in Ae'gura.
- Naygen Notebook
- King Ri'neref Notebook
- This notebook is found on a table on the roof of the Dakota building in Ae'gura.
- Ri'neref Notebook
- King Shomat Notebook
- This notebook is found on a table on the roof of the Dakota building in Ae'gura.
- Shomat Notebook
- Shomat Story Notebook
- This notebook is found on a table on the roof of the Dakota building in Ae'gura.
- Shomat Story
- Class System Notebook
- This notebook is found on a table on the roof of the Dakota building in Ae'gura.
- Class System
- Gahreesen Notebook
- This notebook is found on a table in one of the conference rooms in the Training Center on Gahreesen Age.
- Gahreesen Notebook
- KI Notebook
- This notebook is found on a table in a conference room in the Training Center on Gahreesen.
- KI Notebook
- Marriage Notebook
- This notebook is found on a table on the roof of the Dakota building in Ae'gura.
- Marriage
- Maturity Notebook
- This notebook is found on a table on the roof of the Dakota building in Ae'gura.
- Maturity
- Pregnancy Notebook
- This notebook is found on a table on the roof of the Dakota building in Ae'gura.
- Pregnancy
- Atrus' Note to Yeesha
- This is the note you find on the bed in Ti'ana's old bedroom in the Cleft
- Atrus' Note to Yeesha
- Dr. Watson to Matthew
- This is the letter you find on the table near the typewriter on the roof of the Dakota building in Ae'gura.
- Watson's Letter to Matthew
- Marie Sutherland to Dr. Watson
- This is the note you find on the desk in the Baron's city office on Ae'gura.
- Marie's note to Watson
- Nick to DRC
- This is the note you find with a Journey cloth on a crate on the roof of the Dakota building on Ae'gura in the D'ni Cavern.
- Nick's note
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