The Great Zero
1.04 DRC
Welcome to the Great Zero!
You'll notice a number of different areas to the Great Zero Structure as well as a number of various machines. We apologize for the great detail but the structure and related mechanisms and systems are somewhat complicated.
You are currently standing in the Great Zero Antechamber. Though you can see the Great Zero machinery through the small window, access to the Great Zero Courtyard is not available directly from the antechamber. In order to access the plaza, you will need to upload five Great Zero Markers (GZM's) into the Great Zero system and link into the plaza via your nexus.
Great Zero Marker (GZM) Uploads
Great Zero Markers, found in numerous locations throughout the cavern, are fairly easy to find and, by following a few easy steps, simple upload into the system.
1. Once you have a KI version 2.0 or higher (which you have if you've linked here by way of the Nexus), you still need to upgrade your KI to retrieve marker coordinates. That can be done easily by placing your KI into the upload machine in this room. The first time a KI is inserted, the system will enable your KI to retrieve markers. If you see 5 faint colored lights on your KI, then you have properly enabled your KI to retrieve markers.
2. Find GZM's. They are located throughout the cavern in a variety of locations. (Please note that markers can be in a large variety of places, not just the more common paths.) However, be aware that these markers will not be visible unless they sense an upgraded KI within twenty-five feet.
3. Before the point they are visible to the naked eye (as long as there is an unobstructed view), the small light on your KI will also begin to flash as an indicator. Once you see the GZM, you will need to touch it. You will know the GZM has been registered if one of the faint lights turns solid.
4. Once you have found 5 GZM's (and have 5 solid lights on your KI) you will need to return here, to the antechamber, and upload your GZM's into the system. You can use the same machine you used to initiate your KI to do that.
Great Zero Courtyard
1. Once you have uploaded 5 GZM's, you will find a new link in your Nexus. That link will take you to the Great Zero courtyard, the central location of the Great Zero neutrino dispenser.
2. You will see another upload machine inside of the courtyard as well as a couple of doors toward the back of the room.
Great Zero Calibration Center Access
1. The calibration center located beyond the courtyard cannot be accessed unless a KI has registered more GZM's (more than the 5 that are needed to access the courtyard). Registering is done the same way as listed above; you'll have a new set of faint lights. As the GZM's are found they will turn solid again.
2. Once the second set of GZM's have been uploaded (in either the courtyard or the antechamber) the doors leading to the calibration center will automatically open for you from that point forward.
Great Zero Calibration Center
1. Most important to the calibration center are the four Great Zero Maintenance Units (GZMU) toward the back as well as the Calibration Imager (CI).
2. Once you have uploaded 20 GZ Markers in upload machines in either the antechamber or courtyard, you will be allowed access to the machines and the ability to find a new type of marker known as a Calibration Great Zero Marker (CGZM).
Calibration Great Zero Markers (CGZM's)
1. Once you have reached the Great Zero Calibration Center, your KI only needs to finish the calibration process by synchronizing calibrations with the Great Zero itself.
2. There are four machines that enable you to carry out the final task.
3. You will need to receive a coordinate from one of the three machines (the fourth is not yet available) and find the single marker at that coordinate. Similar to the early markers it will only become visible when you have entered a certain radius, and you will have to touch it. After you have found the first one you will need to return to the Calibration Center and insert your KI into one of the machines. At that time you will be able to read one of the three coordinates on you KI.
4. After the second you will be able to read two.
5. After the third, you will be able to read three.
6. At that point the fourth will become available.
7. After you have found the fourth marker, your KI will be calibrated.
8. If the Great Zero has not been turned on, it will also be turned on. (Is that true Laxman? We obviously haven't tested this.)
9. And you're finished. Congratulations.
We at the DRC hope that this document has provided you a better understanding of the KI and Great Zero functionality. We also hope you realize how vital your success is to help calibrate our Great Zero. We appreciate your support greatly. (Is this too mushy? Might be a little over-the-top.)
Again, thank you for visiting the Great Zero and we appreciate your patience and support.