- Zandi, Elias
- Elias ("Eli" to close friends) Zandi. A wealthy archaeologist who specialized in the southwestern United States. On March 19, 1988 Elias Zandi and John "Fighting Branch" Loftin made a short trip into D'ni made tunnels. They returned in 1989 and reached the ruined city of D'ni.
- Please see this copy of a post written by Dr. Richard A. Watson at the DRC site for more detailed information. A little background on Zandi
- Zandi, Jeff
- Professor Jeff Zandi is the son of the late Elias Zandi, founder of the DRF. Jeff Zandi owns the land around The Cleft, and has helped some explorers find their way to D'ni.
- Zero, Great Zero
- The Great Zero is a polar coordinate system for the Age in which it's located. It can be likened to the surface system of longitude and latitude.
- The Great Zero in D'ni is atop the pinnacle of the island of Ae'gura in the main D'ni Cavern. A quote from the DRC's notebook on King Ri'neref explains how the Great Zero was established in D'ni. "As had always been the case with the Ronay, a group of surveyors was sent to D'ni before the group officially moved there, to establish the Great Zero and the line emanating from it. A monument was built on the Great Zero in the year 0 DE." * Editor's Note: Ronay is the name the D'ni called themselves when they lived on Garternay, their original home Age.
- A footnote in the DRC notebook about King Ri'neref says, The Great Zero itself was usually based on a prominent natural landmark within an Age. From the Great Zero a line was drawn, usually toward Magnetic North, to aid in navigation, construction, etc.
- In D'ni on December 8, 2003, Marie Sutherland said:It acts like a beacon of sorts. Everything is measured from that location.
- For more information please read the DRC notebook about the Great Zero (Great Zero Notebook), and see the DRC Org's (Great Zero) page.
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