King Lemashal
Lemashal - Took the throne in 3903 at the age of 100. Lemashal had been fairly involved in the Minor Guild of Actors, although it was said that what especially interested Lemashal was illusion. Up to that point, there had been a few different "magic clubs" although nothing official.
So, in 3961 Lemashal, with quite a bit of trouble, forced the establishment of the Minor Guild of Illusionists. It was not a Guild that most found necessary but, Lemashal argued, that neither was the Guild of Actors, Painters, or Musicians; it was entertainment, of which illusion was a valid form*. Ironically, it was later discovered that the establishment of the Guild was an illusion in itself.
While the Guild was debated*, Lemashal established an undercover intelligence force to keep track on the more dangerous factions and sub-groups of D'ni. They were a highly secretive group, of which the public had little or no knowledge, until years later. And so with the confirmation of the Guild of Illusions, the Relyimah (literally trans. "The Unseen") were also established.
Though the previous few Kings had been fairly focused on D'ni and expanding their own culture and territory, Lemashal again looked toward the outside cultures in a manner that had not been seen since Hinash. In 3975 he remarried (as his first wife had passed away at a young age) to an outsider. Unlike Hinash, who had also married and outsider, Lemashal and his new wife bore a son (his first) twenty years later, in 3995, and another son in 4014.
For the first time, the D'ni were truly confronted with their views on outside cultures and the arguments were said to have started as soon as Lemashal's son was born, as to whether or not he would be allowed to someday rule as King.
Unfortunately, though Lemashal led quite a few efforts to supply better lives for other cultures, along with freer trade and sharing of resources with other Ages, the remaining years of his reign were dominated by whether or not his son would be allowed to reign.
To Lemashal's credit, though he could have forced his will, concerning his son, upon his people, he never did. If his son were to eventually reign, he said, "It will only be over a people who want him to".
In 4030, the Council decided a King had to be of pure D'ni blood. Lemashal signed the decision into law the following year.
When he died in 4083, he left the throne to the youngest child of his cousin, whose mother had been the younger sister of his father Kedri.
* Taken from a speech to the Council arguing for the establishment of the Guild
* Lemashal did not need Council approval to establish the Guild. Though many Kings preferred Council approval, it was said later that Lemashal purposely wanted the debates to take place as a distraction