Exile Speech Transcript Index
These are the transcriptions of the character speeches in Myst III: Exile.
I don't have them all done yet, but I will list the speeches here as I get them transcribed.
Exile Introductory Imager Transcripts
- These are the speeches that Atrus and Saavedro recorded on the large imager in the Observatory at the top of the giant tusk on J'nanin.
Exile Small Imager Speech Transcripts
- These are the speeches you hear in the imager in the Obversatory at the top of the giant tusk on J'nanin when you present the symbols you collected in Edanna, Voltaic, and Amateria.
Symbol Speech Transcripts
- These are the speeches you hear in the imager in the Obversatory at the top of the giant tusk on J'nanin when you present the symbols you collected in Edanna, Voltaic, and Amateria.
Saavedro's Menacing Welcome
- This is what Saavedro says when you arrive in Narayan.
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