In Uru Prime we take our first Journey at the request of Yeesha. We search for the symbol of the Journey (seen here to the right), finding seven symbols in each Age. When we find a Journey Cloth, we press the symbol on it. The cloth glows and we hear mysterious sounds.
We begin at the Cleft, and travel at our own pace through Gahreesen, Teledahn, Kadish, and the linked gardens of Eder Gira and Eder Kemo.
Once we have touched all seven Journey Cloths in an Age, we can open the Door in that Age. In the Cleft, the door we open is in the tree, and it leads us to the bookroom below, where we find a copy of the Relto book which Yeesha has left for us.
This first Journey is depicted in pictures on the walls in the book room of the Cleft. The first image may represent the traveler, though Yeesha is drawn in a similar way on the wall behind the floating statue in Eder Kemo. The second picture is an ancient symbol meaning "journey." The third picture depicts a linking book with D'ni letters in the center spelling out Yeesha's name.
The fourth picture seems to represent the Bahro Cave that is above the city of D'ni in the Cavern. The last picture is of the Cleft, where our first Journey begins and ends.
When we speak to Yeesha at the Journey's end, she tells us that we have traveled the full circle, that the circle is complete, the path is open, and the symbol of the Journey must change, because the beginning is tied to the end. Then she shows us a new symbol.
Yeesha gives us the Age of Relto to keep for our own, and tells us that our Relto will change, and will reflect what we are. We have already seen changes as we've added pages to the book.
Yeesha also gives us a shirt which represents the Journey we took. She tell us to wear this to show what side we've taken, when sides are taken. She says that wearing the shirt will show that we side with Yeesha and the Bahro. What that means is not completely clear at this time.