Sirrus Book Speeches
Last Speech
This is what you hear when you put the final red page into the Red Book in the Library.
(linking sound) Oh, yes! I'm free! Oh, thank you, my friend! My dear friend! You've done the right thing. You stupid fool! (laughter) It looks like perhaps you're in the book now. (laughter) And what have we here? A page. (he rips out a page) (laughter) Oh, no! (laughter) I hope you enjoy your new home as much as I enjoyed it. (he rips out another page) There. I can't see you. You're getting less clear. I hope you're into books. (laughter) (he rips out another page) Oh! (laughter) The Library's just the same as I left it. Oh, Achenar... (he rips out another page)(static increases) Goodbye. (laughter) (he rips out another page) (static)
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