The Myst Reference
This page contains information about the games of Myst, Myst Masterpiece, and realMyst, created by Cyan, Inc. The entries on this page contain information from the game perspective. For real life game info, please visit the FAQ.
Transcripts of the character speeches in Myst. The things that Atrus, Sirrus and Achenar say in the game, including the endings.
Myst Speech Transcripts |
- Achenar
- The younger of Atrus and Catherine's two sons.
- Atrus
- Son of Gehn and grandson of Aitrus. Raised by his grandmother Anna (Ti'ana). At 14 years old, he was claimed by his father and taken down into the ruins of D'ni. Atrus became a very talented writer of Ages.
- (see also Atrus' Family Tree)
- Catherine
- Catherine is Atrus's wife. Her Rivenese name is Katran, but Atrus calls her Catherine. (BoA 228)
- (see also Atrus' Family Tree)
- Channelwood Age
- The Age you reach by the Book under the big tree on Myst.
- Katran
- A native of the Age of Riven; married to Atrus; mother of Sirrus, Achenar, and Yeesha. (BoA 228; BoD 318)
- (see also Atrus' Family Tree)
- Mechanical Age
- The Age you reach through the Book in the Gears.
- Myst
- The island Age of Myst is where you begin your adventure. It was written by Catherine and Ti'ana, who is also known as Anna.
- Rime Age
- The Age you reach through the Book hidden in the Library on Myst.
- Selenitic Age
- The Age you reach through the Book in the Rocket on Myst.
- Sirrus
- The elder of Atrus and Catherine's two sons.
- Stoneship Age
- The Age you reach through the Book in the ship by the dock on Myst.
- Ti'ana
- (1)The word ti'ana means "story-teller" in the D'ni language.
- (2)Atrus's grandmother. She was a human named Anna, from the surface of Earth. Ti'ana was her D'ni name. (BoT 185) She lived on Myst island with Atrus and his family, and is buried there. For more information, please see the entry on page T of the main Desk Reference and Atrus' Family Tree.
Mechanical Age Portraits
Some very astute sleuths have made independent discoveries about the pictures in Sirrus' chamber in Mechanical Age. It was Peter Hargreaves who first posted about the portraits to the old Riven Lysts. I've recently learned that Myro not only found the portraits on her own, but with the help of another man, found the originals of the other two pictures.
Click here for information about the King's portrait in Sirrus' chamber on Mechanical Age.
Click here for information about the woman's portrait.
Click here to visit Sirrus' chamber on Myro's site. This is very nicely done, with links to the pictures hidden in the graphic. Clicking on the red mechanical bird will take you to Myro's home page.
Myst, Riven, and all things D'ni are the creation of Cyan Worlds, Inc.
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