This is a copy of an email sent to the Riven Lyst by RAWA, Richard A. Watson, Cyan programmer and ultimate D'ni historian. The words in italics are the questions from fans. The plain gray print is RAWA's answer.
RAWA, is it true that the "X" is a D'ni 25? And, if so, it that method preferred over writing a Dni "10"? (I've sort of assumed that a blank box is the number 0, correct me if I'm wrong.)
Yes, 25 can be written in two different ways in Dni, the X on the Book of D'ni is the number 25 written as a single digit. It is the only digit that has this dual representation. The single digit 25 is rarely used, it is far more common to see "10" for 25 instead.
0 is not an empty box, but is a box with a single dot in the center. The map included with the Book of Ti'ana has at least two zeroes in it. (I didn't look very long to find those two, there may be more.)
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/ * Richard A. Watson * *
\_/ * Programmer / D'ni Historian * *
C Y A N ------------------------------------------------------------
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