Riven Journal Index
These are the Journals found in the game of Riven.
- Atrus' Riven Journal
- This is the journal Atrus gives you before you travel for the first time to Riven.
- Atrus' Journal
- Catherine's Riven Journal
- This is the journal handed to you by Nelah while you are locked in the room in the Age of Tay, and the note tucked into the pages of that journal.
- Catherine's Journal
- Catherine's Note
- Gehn's Lab Journal
- This is the journal you find in Gehn's lab on Bookmaking Island in Riven.
- Gehn's Lab Journal
- Loose page of Gehn's Lab Journal
- This is the loose page of Gehn's journal you find on his desk in his lab on Bookmaking Island in Riven.
- Loose page
- Gehn's Bedroom Journal
- This is the journal you find in Gehn's bedroom on Age 233.
- Gehn's Bedroom Journal
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