Letter from RAWA
This is a copy of an email sent to the Riven Lyst by RAWA, Richard A. Watson, Cyan programmer and ultimate D'ni historian. The words in italics are the questions from fans. The plain gray print is written by Richard Watson.
From: Richard A. Watson
To: The Riven Lyst
Subject: Re: Keta + CO origins
Date: Friday, November 14, 1997
>Who's Keta again is she D'ni?
Keta/Leira was a surface dweller from Earth.
>My question now is, what is Cosmic Osmo's lineage?
Cosmic Osmo comes from a long line of semi-reputable Osmoians. He
produced one album on which he sang a song his mother taught him. Only
one copy of this album is known to exist. It it owned by Cosmic himself,
and stored in his Osmobile.
"Woba nabongu onogo wabanaba ukoo sokitu mekuku vuto vuto ni"
-Mission Control Osmo
--- _ -----------------------------------------------------------------
/ * Richard A. Watson * mailto:rawa@cyan.com *
\_/ * Programmer / D'ni Historian * http://www.cyan.com *
C Y A N ------------------------------------------------------------
Cosmic Osmo is a Cyan game that was made before Myst. Cyan began to make a colorized updated version of the game, but it's been put on the back burner in favor of other projects.
Myst, Riven, and all things D'ni are the creation of Cyan Worlds, Inc.
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