OK. I've done a bit of research to try to sort this all out.
Richard Kadrey did a good job of telling the tale of the development of Riven, but FMtR does have its share mistakes and inaccuracies.
The paragraph in question sounds like it is based on a talk Richard Kadrey had with Richard Vander Wende. Whether it was RVW who mixed up the story in the telling, or RK who mixed up the discription in FMtR, I don't have any idea.
Tony Davidson was the artist who modeled and textured Gehn's bed, so I'm taking his word for it that he knew which texture he used.
So I asked Josh Staub about the scanned hand. Was it used, and if so, did he know where.
Yes. Josh used the texture of RVW's hand for the leather of Gehn's chair (however, the chair wasn't used in Riven).
I got a picture of the unused chair from Josh, so you can see the actual texture for yourself...
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/ * Richard A. Watson * mailto:rawa@cyan.com *
\_/ * Programmer / D'ni Historian * http://www.cyan.com *
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