Letter from RAWA
This is a copy of an email sent to the Riven Lyst by RAWA, Richard A. Watson, Cyan programmer and ultimate D'ni historian. The words in italics are the questions from fans. The plain gray print is written by Richard Watson.
This letter explains what Cho, the first person you meet on Riven, says to you and what it means.
That Rick hears a _b'_ 'to' seems to clinch the idea that we have a pronoun here. It would be nice to know whether the correct spelling of this pronoun 'me' is "so" ("soh") or "soo", but I suppose that even if we were absolutely sure of Cho's pronuciation we wouldn't know that it is correct.
That's a good point - even knowing what Cho says doesn't mean he's right...
I'll help out with this one.
Like Mark Deforest has said... Gehn has a hard time getting good help.
What Cho says:
tahg-em-ah... re-ko-ah (stutters) tah... tah... tah...tahg-em-ah b'soo re-ko-ah
translates roughly to:
give-you(command) the-"ko-ah" (whatever that is)....
gi...gi...gi...give-you(command) to-me (not pronounced quite right)
What he's "supposed" to say:
tah-ge-mah b'zoo ah re-kor
give-you(command) to-me the-book.
which is:
"Gimme that book!"
--- _ -----------------------------------------------------------------
/ * Richard A. Watson * mailto:rawa@cyan.com *
\_/ * Programmer / D'ni Historian * http://www.cyan.com *
C Y A N ------------------------------------------------------------
In the letter above RAWA refers something Mark said. That would be Mark DeForest, long time Cyan programmer. Here is what Mark wrote to the Riven Lyst about Cho's speech.
Actually, the way the story goes is that Cho was instructed by Gehn to
watch the caged linking spot in case someone (Gehn hoping for Atrus) will show up. When someone does, Gehn also instructed Cho to say a few D'ni
phrases. However, Cho has been watching the cage for a *long* time and really thinks that no one will ever show up. Then _you_ link in, surprising
Cho but in a way he is excited to see someone new and starts talking to you in Rivenese. Then Cho remembers that he is suppose to say a D'ni phrase
that he has memorized (but not too well, its hard to get good help). After messing that up, he decides to do the next thing on Gehn's list, which is
to take any linking books. But of course, with the help of the rebel, he screws that up too.
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