Tewa's Journal
It has been 3 months since Grandfather's death. Eamon and I were both remembered in his will with the present of beautifully made journals. We each received two. One filled with some of Grandfather's youthful writings, and one blank for our own personal experiences.
In the letters that accompanied the gift, Grandfather pointed out the great value in keeping a personal journal throughout one's life. His gift was to remind us never to be too busy to keep a record of where we've been, and what we've felt. The profit to ourselves is great, and it might even be of interest to those who follow.
Eamon and I have traded off, temporarily, to read what was left to the other. Grandfather's letters to us are very similar, but the journals he chose to pass on are quite different. It has been wonderful getting to know a little bit about the person he was, for the public figure is so different from the private, and being at school within the Guilds nearly all our lives, we hadn't the chance to spend much time with him since we were very small.
Eamon has a plan! I know I do not usually think too much of Eamon's "plans," but for once he's come up with something that seems extremely interesting, while being safe and even constructive. Eamon's idea is that we persuade Father to allow us to travel to Sea Cliff House on Tigano, so we can search the library there for more of Grandfather's personal journals. Eamon feels that there must surely be some, tucked away ignored and unwanted. If the two we have are any example, they would make very interesting reading!
It has become an accepted custom in our family to allow a cadet, a fledgling guildsman, a chance to travel alone somewhere upon his graduation from the academy before taking up his new duties. It is a tradition with a beneficial purpose, not only as a small vacation from the rigors of study, but as the exercise of the new freedom that comes with the improved status. The destination is usually respectable enough to be safe, but unfamiliar enough to be an adventure.
In Eamon's case, father is sure to expect that he will want to charge off somewhere into the great unknown risking life and limb, and in my case, being a girl, father will be loath to let me leave New D'ni by myself, much less the Age! He can hardly discriminate between twins, however, as we will both be guildsmen together, Eamon of the Mechanists, and I of the Artist's. He can't deny Eamon what he allowed his older brother, Lianis, and he can't deny me what he allows Eamon. Father can't even claim that as a member of a lessor Guild, I am not entitled to the privilege, as uncle Selamin, the head of our family, is of the Merchants and many is the time I've heard him tell of that little adventure into Carpus he took when first a cadet!
Poor father must be rather nervous thinking about it! I am not about to let him off the hook, either. I am not rebellious by nature, not an innovator nor a great risk taker, but as a guildswoman I see it as my duty to insist upon enjoying the full privileges of my station, as well as fully performing the duties. There must be no excuses to treat women as second class guildsmen or we doom ourselves to years of frustration and contention. Here is where the brilliance of Eamon's plan shines! He will request that we go to Sea Cliff House, a family property in a family Age, and not alone, but together. Eamon, the able-bodied man to protect his sister, and my conservative nature to prevent Eamon from getting into too much trouble. Father will be so relieved, it's impossible he'd say no!
If he is suspicious, a quick read through Grandfather's journal and the simple explanation of the hunt for more journals will completely satisfy him. I admit that I was suspicious when Eamon first mentioned it to me. It seemed so unlike him. But, after he let me read his journal from Grandfather, all became clear. The journal had descriptions and simple sketches of little devices common in old D'ni, one of which Eamon had never even heard of before. The thought that there could be further nuggets of information hidden at Sea Cliff has stirred Eamon's passion to know. He won't rest until he's been through every book in the house! Father will be pleased to support this plan, I'm sure.