Gehn Two
This is what Gehn says after his opening speech, if you meet him in his office on Age 233 without having first retrieved the trap book which was taken from you at the beginning of the game.
This movie can be found with the Riven Movie viewers in the oData folder as file number 5)
I know that you arrived in the Fifth Age with a book that was immediately stolen from you. Needless to say, it's reacquisition is of interest to me, though my personal history with the Moiety does not give me much hope for it. Still, there is a chance you might somehow manage to retrieve it. If you do, I would ask for the safety of all concerned that you would bring it to me at your earliest opportunity. Again, to be honest, my reasons here are partly selfish. There is so much yet to be resolved between Atrus and myself, especially in light of what has become of Catherine. In any case my immediate concern is the completion of the sanctuary I've long promised to all the islanders. In the meantime as a token of my good intentions, I will allow you free access to my linking books, crude though they may be, and to the rest of the Fifth Age.
(He turns away and walks off to the desk, where he puts on his goggles and gloves, and takes up his rifle)
As for the stolen linking book, we should probably not meet again until you've recovered it. I will know if you've succeeded and will await your return. Good luck with your search. I hope to see you back here shortly.
(Gehn walks out the door)
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