Cyan Language Archive
This is an archive of the "Cyan Language" sayings that were posted on the now defunct D'ni Guild's front page.
- Wohba
- I lost the exact wording of this from the dniguild site. Here is what it says on RAWA's page.
- Loosely translated as "Wow!", "Oh my!", "Yikeso!", or similar exclamation of surprise. It has been in common usage at Cyan for many years, especially among those who've been at Cyan for longer than 6 years. Though we are often too lazy to use the whole inerjection, and generally shorten "Wohbanobongu" to simply "Wohba!".
- See RAWA's page for more info
- Pen Tube
- A fun Cyan game played with the tube of a Bic Pen and a flat surface. Press with your fingers against the tube as if you were going to spin it. The tube should take flight and the fun will begin.
- NOTE: The tube needs to have a smooth surface and the tube needs to be completely hollow.
- Google for it
- An expression used when something is unable to be located.
- Grok
- grok (grk) tr.v. Slang grok'ked, grok'king, groks To understand profoundly through intuition or empathy.
- "After players see a hint for a puzzle a third time, they should begin to grok the solution."
- parse (p'rs)
- parse (p'rs)
v. parsed, pars'ing, pars'es
v. tr.
1. To break (a sentence) down into its component parts of speech with an explanation of the form, function, and syntactical relationship of each part.
- "Hey Brice what'd ya think of that document?"
"I couldn't parse it."
- Mysterium
- "Mysterium"
A gathering of Myst, Riven and Exile fans. Has only occurred once in recorded history. Will most likely repeat on 8/3 - 8/5 in Carlsbad, NM.
- "The people that attend Mysterium will be very lucky to see the video Rawa plans on showing."
- The above was written on the D'ni Guild home page before the second Mysterium, which took place on August 3-5, 2001. For more information about Mysterium please visit The Complete Guide to Mysterium web site, and for news about Mysterium 2004 please visit Mysterium Net.
Myst, Riven, and all things D'ni are the creation of Cyan Worlds, Inc.
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