(Atrus links in, runs up to you, and says)
There isn't much time. Where's Catherine? Where's the Book? I don't...
(Catherine appears and calls out)
Catherine: Atrus!
(He runs to her. They embrace. Catherine gives Atrus the Trap Book, then they both come up to you)
Catherine: The villagers are safely in the Rebel Age. I thank you.
Atrus: As do I. You've accomplished more than I could've hoped for. You've given me back my life. The path home is now clear for all of us.
(Atrus takes out the real D'ni Linking Book, which he holds open for Catherine. Catherine links)
Atrus: This is where our paths must part. Perhaps we'll meet again some day. You know where to find me.
(Atrus holds the book over the Fissure and says to the player)
Good bye my friend.
(He links, letting the Book fall into the Fissure. The player falls into the Fissure. While music plays Atrus says)
Now I understand. Endings and beginings are within the Fissure, that Riven cleft of stars that acts as both wall and a bridge. And though I am unable to understand how, the very flow of stars that brought my Myst book into worthy hands I am sure served as a safe passage home for my friend.The Age of Riven is closed forever, but the people of Riven are free. And now I am at rest, understanding that in Books, and Ages, and life the ending can never truly be written.
(Music, Credits)