(Atrus links in, runs up to you and says)
Where's Catherine?
(He takes the Trap Book, looks at it and says)
I don't understand. You captured Gehn, but why did you signal me? There's no time left, the Age is collapsing. I've got to get back before it's too late.
(He takes out the D'ni Linking Book and holds it over the Fissure)
Your way is clear. (indicating the Fissure) You're free to go home. Farewell, my friend.
(He links out, dropping the Book into the Fissure. The player falls into the Fissure, some sad music starts, and Atrus' voice says)
So much work. Gehn is at last defeated, but the price of this defeat is dear. The people of Riven must try to hang on in a world that is dying, and I am sentenced to a futile task of nursing Riven's fatal wounds. Of Catherine, I will never know her fate.
(Music. Roll credits)