(Atrus links in. He comes up to you and speaks)
Atrus: There isn't much time. Where's Catherine?
(He takes the Trap Book from you and looks at it)
Atrus: The Book is empty.
(Gehn comes up behind Atrus)
Atrus: I don't understand.
Gehn: You never did!
Atrus: Father!
Gehn: Father! I am no longer your father, because you are no longer my son. (Gehn shoots Atrus, who falls down dead. Gehn takes the real D'ni Linking Book from Atrus' pack)
Gehn to the player: I don't know what you thought you were doing, but thank you. I finally am free.
(Gehn turns and walks away, signaling for Cho to shoot you. Cho shoots you. All goes black. Sad music plays)